43. Second Glance

Friday, July 29, 2011

I read another book by Jodi Picoult. This wasn’t my favorite definitely, but this is one of the most interesting of her books. This talked about love, ghosts and eugenics.

I found eugenics really interesting because I cannot fathom people doing this to other people. It is ugly and wrong, especially if you look at it as the ground work for what the Nazi did then.

Love is not a because, it's a no matter what.

Heroes didn't leap tall buildings or stop bullets with an outstretched hand; they didn't wear boots and capes. They bled, and they bruised, and their superpowers were as simple as listening, or loving. Heroes were ordinary people who knew that even if their own lives were impossibly knotted, they could untangle someone else's. And maybe that one act could lead someone to rescue you right back.

People work too hard to figure out the meaning of their lives. Why me, why now. The truth is, sometimes things don't happen to you for a reason. Sometimes it's just about being in the right place at the right time for someone else."

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