The Fault in our Stars

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Last Monday I started reading John Green's newest book, The Fault in our stars.  It was so good; I couldn't put it down for the life of me until I am done.  I love everything about it.  I especially love the characters and the amazing timing where I fall in love with each of them as the book progress.

I find so much of my current self in Hazel.  I love the fact that she'd rather stay at home and read books or watch a marathon of reality tv than go out.  Sure she's sick and I am not - but still, staying home wins for me.  Augustus is incredibly wonderful and generous and ultimately likable for all the right reason.  Now, Isaac is a delightful surprise.  He is a secondary character but whenever he pops in the page, I am always certain I will love him.

I know it is still pretty early in the year, but this book could easily be one of my favorites this year.

♥  In the darkest days, the Lord puts the best people in your life.

♥  There is no shortage of fault to be found in our stars.

♥  You don't get to choose if your get hurt in this world, but your do have some say in who hurts you.


  1. I read all his previous books and absolutely loved them! I borrowed my sister's copy of TFiOS once she was done and I could not put it down. I literally did nothing but read. It took me about 6 hours to read. I have never cried so hard in my life, and despite its downs, this book has an equal part of ups. I can't think of a book more appropriate to recommend, to anyone. This is a seriously perfect book and there was not fault in this star. :)

    1. i love his books too and this could prolly be my fave! I agree that in this star there is no fault. :)
