Monday, February 27, 2012

Yesterday, my sisters and I went to Cultural Center of the Philippines to take part of the PASINAYA 2012 Festival.  The reason we decided to go to CCP is because our nephew is part of Xavier Stage and invited us to watch New Yorker in Burgos to be played that day.  When we looked up what might be in store for us when we get there, we got really excited but we never anticipated that it will be so much fun! 

We were on location at about 11am and left just after we saw Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra at the main theater. The registration cost Php 20 which was unbelievable!  We got to see 2 theater plays, 1 dance performace, an exhibit and the PPO.  Amazing, no?  Granted that the lines everywhere were incredibly long and it was a bit hot due to the large number of people running around but it's all worth it.   Truth -  it is kind of wonderful seeing kids lining up to see the Philippine Madrigal singers or the PPO.

Here are some pictures from that awesome day.

Good Saturday

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Just have to say that today was a real good day! Good days are so rare lately that when one turns such, I am kinda taken aback. Nonetheless, here is the list of things that made my day great.

- No-show skin doctor was to be thanked because it gave me time to bargain hunt in the Eastwood bazaar and get new dresses.

- Too much time before I meet my sister, I pointlessly wandered Cubao Expo. In and out the little shops buying nothing.

- Music during commute. Literal life saver.

- Facial. need I say more?

- Total me-time. I had lunch with myself. Did some reading too.

- Dark chocolate cream chip frap blended whip.

- Cheesy movie with sister.

- shampoo shopping and other stuff for hair.

- texting and making plans for tomorrow with sisters.

I am really thankful for the little things.

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good stuff

Thursday, February 23, 2012

With all the things thats falling apart around me, Noel said that I should let myself cry but still focus on life's positive stuff. So that is what I will do today.   I will zoom in on those little things that went right this week for me.

- my new and really nice dentist Dr. Mary Ann Dee
- reconnected with an old friend
- bargain finds
- salon visits
- impromptu breakfast chats with Noni
- quick visit with Marl that turns to really fun chica session with his team
- my enjoy card finally got delivered

For these little things, I am thankful because if you think about it, small things pile up. Small things count!

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broken spirit.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Life is not fair.  I know that.  Every other movie said it, I've read it thousands and thousands of times yet when life is actually manifesting this - I am still caught off guard.

I always thought that if you play by the rules,  give it your best and work really hard,  you will be fruitful and fulfilled.  It is not always the case and when the awful thing of inequity is happening not only right in front of you but at you..  well,  it kinda sucks!  No, let me correct that statement - it magnanimously stink from here to China.

I am tired and heartbroken.  Mostly broken.  Oh, and really sleepy.

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Little Things To Keep Life Interesting

Friday, February 17, 2012

Numbers 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12.  Especially number 7.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I love nail polish. It makes me happy and light-hearted. It turns all that seem wrong in the world right again. However, there are days that even the prettiest and sparkliest of colors cannot jump start. Today was like that. I really hope this week would sneak up on me with something happy.

For now, I will watch Midnight in Paris.

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The Fault in our Stars

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Last Monday I started reading John Green's newest book, The Fault in our stars.  It was so good; I couldn't put it down for the life of me until I am done.  I love everything about it.  I especially love the characters and the amazing timing where I fall in love with each of them as the book progress.

I find so much of my current self in Hazel.  I love the fact that she'd rather stay at home and read books or watch a marathon of reality tv than go out.  Sure she's sick and I am not - but still, staying home wins for me.  Augustus is incredibly wonderful and generous and ultimately likable for all the right reason.  Now, Isaac is a delightful surprise.  He is a secondary character but whenever he pops in the page, I am always certain I will love him.

I know it is still pretty early in the year, but this book could easily be one of my favorites this year.

♥  In the darkest days, the Lord puts the best people in your life.

♥  There is no shortage of fault to be found in our stars.

♥  You don't get to choose if your get hurt in this world, but your do have some say in who hurts you.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

So, I've been thinking of disabling my facebook - again. Then I saw this and I lol'd.

via Recently popular images on imgfave by BellaVcruz on 2/1/12